Advent of the Goddess Storyline Part 7
This post is based on “The Advent of the Goddess”, the main storyline behind Mabinogi’s Storyline Quests. If you do not wish to find out about what happens next, feel free to return to the previous page and view other strategy guides.

6. The Fomor Medal
The dungeon you entered by placing the Brown Fomor Pass on the altar was a completely foreign place much different from the pre-existing Barri Dungeon.

You also met the Black Wizard who claimed to be guarding at the will of the Goddess, whom you believed to be the goddess who protected the Humans.

Then, you gained the Fomor Medal after defeating the Black Wizard.

Some pieces of the puzzle are still missing, so let’s see if you can find some answers to the unknown mysteries. In this episode, you will learn about the Fomor Medal.

1) The Fomor Medal

As you’re exiting the Barri Dungeon, examine the Fomor Medal you have earned.

[Fomor Medal]
An item taken from the Black Wizard. It looks similar to the circular cross carried by priests. A pattern that looks like a form of writing is engraved on the back. Perhaps the priests could tell me something about this?

The pattern on the back of the medal seems similar to what the priests have.
Let’s go speak with Comgan in Bangor, as he is the priest closest to where you are.

A Fomor… Medal? I didn’t know there was such a thing. Could I see it? Strange… This is just a medal priests use…   

Every priest has one because they say it contains the principles that created this world…

I wonder if a Fomor found one that a priest lost… Hmm…I have mine here with me… Have you spoken with any of the other priests?   

Hmmm… Priest Comgan says it’s a medal that priests carry… but why did the Black Wizard, then, say it was a Fomor Medal? Perhaps you should ask other priests like Priest Comgan has suggested.

Shall we go find Priestess Kristell in Dunbarton and ask her?

That’s… a medal worn by priests. If you look on the back, you can find a token with the date it was given and the individual’s name…What? A Fomor had this? Impossible…

Hmm… She, too, says it’s a medal that priests carry. Wait, but what about the backside? She mentioned some sort of writing on the back.

Let’s have Priestess Kristell examine the backside of the medal.

...! Oh… it’s nothing. I’m quite busy. I should get going…

Priestess Kristell seems flustered but won’t address the medal. She must be hiding something… But you probably won’t get anything out of her. You should go see other priests.


You have reached the Tir Chonaill Church. Let’s ask the kind Priestess Endelyon..

Hmm…? That looks exactly like the medals priests wear. Did Priest Meven lose his? What? A Fomor had this? You’re kidding…If you don’t believe me, speak to Priest Meven. This isn’t an item a Fomor would have.   

Just as expected… Priest Meven is your only hope left…

Medal...? Could… I see it? That’s a Priest’s Token. 
... Hmm... You got this from a Fomor? I don’t believe this…   

Even Priest Meven is in disbelief.

Wait… The material and the weight are slightly different from ones distributed from the Pontiff’s Court. There’s some writing in the back… but I can’t read it. It looks just like the Fomors’ writings…
There’s no way the Humans can read this… maybe a Fomor could…
Oh, the backside of the medal? That’s exactly what Priestess Kristell said… But why didn’t she say anything?
Priest Meven says only a Fomor can read what the writing says…You will find that you have earned a new keyword after speaking with Priest Meven.

2) A Priest’s Token

[Priest’s Token]
A story heard after showing the Fomor Medal. For more information, ask the other priests.

Maybe Priest Meven will tell you something no one has told you before if you just try talking to him again.

The medal you got from the Fomors is definitely similar to a Priest’s Token… It’s probably best to speak directly to a Fomor…

Hmmm, he won’t say anything other than to ask a Fomor. But where will you find a Fomor that you can communicate with? Perhaps other priests could help you with that.

… Ah…this, this is… Umm… I’m sorry. I don’t know what this is…

Priestess Kristell seems to know something but she keeps avoiding your question.

You have come back to Bangor.

Hmm… the Fomor’s writing? Come to think of it, I hear there’s a Fomor who can speak with the Humans in Tir Cohnaill. Maybe that Fomor might be able to help you. Take this Arena Coin and go to Alby Dungeon.

A Fomor that can communicate with the Humans? Oh, right… Goro the talking Goblin in Arena! Comgan has given you an Arena Coin to enter the area with Goro

Let’s go to Tir Chonaill Arena to meet Goro.

3) Goro, the Talking Goblin

In order to enter the Alby Arena, you must place an Arena Coin on the altar. You can purchase the Arena Coin from Ranald at the School, or you can use the Arena Coin given to you by Comgan

[Arena Coin]
A coin differently shaped than the Gold. It is said to be the money of the Fomors. You can enter Battle Arena and pay the admission fee with this. Beware not to cast all of it when you enter the dungeon.


Place 1 Arena Coin on the altar of Alby Dungeon. Remember, placing 1 coin or 10 coins will get you to the same dungeon.    

When the screen changes, you can see that you have been transported to the lobby of Alby Battle Arena.

If you head straight, you will meet a Goblin.

With his rough skin, menacing face, and his constant hard-breathing, he has the sure look of a Goblin. Yet, there is something different about this one. Strangely, it appears to have a sense of noble dignity and personality, like a highly intelligent and sophisticated man.

Goro is a Goblin who has learned the language of the Humans. If you were preparing to attack him, stop and take a step back. You will notice that he’s even wearing shoes.

Let’s ask him what the writing behind the medal says, shall we?

Priest’s Token…? This…? This… is an amulet that belongs to a high ranking Fomor… let’s see…
Just what I’d thought… [Dul Brau Dairam Shanon]... It surely belongs to a Fomor. *Chuckles*

It’s been a while since I came across such Fomor writings… hehe. I learned the Human language as a child so I’m a little rusty… but since Goro is smart, this is no problem. As a sign of respect to your courage and since I’m such a nice Goblin, I’ll read it to you…

Ah, Goro knows exactly what this is. Come to think of it though, all the priests you have talked to thought it was a Priest’s Token. How did an amulet of a high ranking Fomor become so similar to a Priest’s Token?

And what is [Dul Brau Dairam Shanon]? What does that even mean?

Now, wouldn’t it be nice if I said that?! I heard that Humans do everything by trading… So will you do Goro a favor? Since you’ve traveled all over Erinn, this should be an easy task for you.

A favor? How unexpected. It’s true that you have traveled all over Erinn, but would it really be an easy task?

Not too long ago, I lost my ring while passing through Ciar Basic Fomor Dungeon on my way to meet someone.
Well, now that I’m the Manager of the Arena… I don’t know when I’ll be able to take any time off to go find my ring… It’s not like I can just leave the Arena… Do you think you can find my ring in Ciar Basic Fomor Dungeon? If you can do that for me, I’ll read the Fomor’s writings for you…hehe… An owl will deliver the Quest Scroll to you on your way to Ciar Dungeon.

Hmm, the Ciar Basic Fomor Dungeon… That sounds doable. Entering with others might allow you to fulfill this mission rather easily.

Oh, Goro isn’t done talking…

Oh… there’s one thing you need to be aware of… Ciar Basic Fomor Dungeon must be entered alone. You see, the place I lost my ring was a Basic Fomor Dungeon where I’d entered alone…
...Don’t forget…

What? He says you must enter the Ciar Basic Fomor Dungeon alone…

Upon finishing your conversation with Goro, you will see that the [Priest’s Token] keyword has been removed.

4) Find Goro’s Ring

After you exit Alby Battle Arena, a white owl will approach you. Please note that Goro’s Ring quest must be proceeded with a quest scroll instead of a keyword.

You will soon receive a quest scroll from the owl.


[Find Goro’s Ring]
Please enter the Ciar Basic Fomor Dungeon alone and find my ring.  -Goro -

Shortly after exiting Alby Dungeon, an owl will drop off a quest along with a Ciar Basic Fomor Pass.

When you feel you are prepared, drop the pass on the altar of the Ciar dungeon.

Ciar Basic Fomor Dungeon is of easier difficulty level than the pre-existing Ciar Dungeon.

After you toil of defeat the Small Golem in the Boss Room, you will be able to enter the treasure chest room.

You will find Goro’s ring as well as some shiny Gold.

Take the ring back to Goro to complete the quest.

In Mabinogi, regular items on the ground disappear after a certain time has passed.

If you don’t have a slot of 2x2 available in your Inventory, make sure you reorganize to make room before opening the treasure chest.

You have acquired Goro’s Ring, so all you have left to do now is to figure out what is written on the back of the Fomor Medal.

In the following episode, you will further look into the meaning of [Dul Brau Dairam Shanon] and meet Tarlach.

[Note 1]
Keywords are crucial in “The Advent of the Goddess” Storyline Quests. You do not have to follow the order illustrated in the above guide when talking to the NPCs using the keywords; talking to the NPCs in the order of your preference will allow you to see what other NPCs have to say.

[Note 2]
If your Inventory did not have enough room, and Goro’s Ring disappeared before you could make space in your Inventory, you must go back and replay the Ciar Basic Fomor Dungeon.

It is important that you check the availability of your Inventory before opening the chest.